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RN Corrections

Summary Sheet: Healthcare & Medical

Advertiser NameAll Medical PersonnelAdvertiser Type:Agency
Classification:Healthcare & MedicalSubclassification:
Country:United StatesLocation:United States
Language:English - United Kingdom (en-GB) Contact Name:
Employment Type:PermanentWorkhours:Not Specified

Position: RN Corrections


Position: Travel RN - Corrections

Job Description

  • Assess physical, psychological and social dimensions of patients; obtain health history and provide a written assessment of patients upon admission.

  • During confinement, and upon discharge; document and communicate triage decision to appropriate health care provider.

  • Develop individual nursing care plan using nursing assessment protocols in consultation with health care providers.

  • According to physician orders implement medical care plans to include diagnostic tests, EKGs, etc.

  • Administer medications using proper techniques, procedures and approved routes of administration; nutrition and therapeutic diet plans.

  • Assist physician in medical or minor surgical procedures as necessary.

  • Provide and monitor direct patient care.

  • Document nursing encounters utilizing the Problem Oriented Medical Records (POMR) form of charting.

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