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Traditional Music Director

Summary Sheet: Executive Positions

Advertiser NameMount Hope UMCAdvertiser Type:Agency
Classification:Executive PositionsSubclassification:
Country:United StatesLocation:United States
Language:English - United Kingdom (en-GB) Contact Name:
Employment Type:PermanentWorkhours:Part Time

Position: Traditional Music Director


Mt. Hope UMC is looking for a Director of Worship and Traditional Music to lead and conduct Music during our Traditional Service. This position requires someone to keep the congregation engaged during the worship service. The ideal candidate should be good at selecting music and leading the choir. The Music Director will organize and conduct Christmas Cantata and Easter Concerts.


  • Recruit and train members of the Mount Hope Church choral groups, direct the choir(s) for regular Sunday morning or special worship services, and be responsible for all necessary rehearsals.

  • Be the (or arrange for a) song leader for worship services that do not have choir support, as requested by the Senior Pastor.

  • Supervise the organizing of special music at the Traditional worship services when the choirs are not singing, including during the summer months.

  • Develop a Choir program for Children and Youth.

  • Consult with the Organist on the selection of anthems and other music. It is the responsibility of the Organist to contact the Traditional Music Director when the Organist will not be present at rehearsal and/or the worship service, regarding the arrangements for the rehearsal, worship service, or special event. Fill the organist's responsibilities in the absence of the Organist.

  • Be knowledgeable enough about the Sanctuary sound system to be able to adjust settings for the choirs, soloists, and accompaniment tracks.

  • Be present at Choir Rehearsals.

  • Be present for Sunday Morning Traditional Service.

This is an excellent opportunity for a passionate leader who is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals served by our church.

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