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Therapist / Occupational Therapy / California / Urgent Need: Occupational Therapist Job

Summary Sheet: Healthcare & Medical

Advertiser NameSkilltuneAdvertiser Type:Agency
Classification:Healthcare & MedicalSubclassification:
Country:United StatesLocation:United States
Language:English - United Kingdom (en-GB) Contact Name:
Employment Type:PermanentWorkhours:Not Specified

Position: Therapist / Occupational Therapy / California / Urgent Need: Occupational Therapist Job

Description: 1) Conducting physical and psychological assessments of clients and developing or following a treatment plan.2) Assessing home and work environments of clients and deciding what adjustments are needed.3) Advising on adaptive equipment to help clients with daily activities.4) Developing physical rehabilitation programs to help clients regain lost skills.5) Preparing clients for a return to work.6) Educating caregivers and family members of clients on patient care.7) Evaluating results and progress of occupational therapy on clients.8) Maintaining professional knowledge and the technical progress in order to provide clients with the best treatment program available.9) Complying with federal, state, and local certification requirements.10) Evaluating patient condition regarding physical and basic mental health.

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