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Youth Pastor

Summary Sheet: Community & Sport

Advertiser NameMinistryHubAdvertiser Type:Agency
Classification:Community & SportSubclassification:
Country:United StatesLocation:United States
Language:English - United Kingdom (en-GB) Contact Name:
Employment Type:PermanentWorkhours:Full Time

Position: Youth Pastor


MinistryHub is honored to partner with TerraNova Church in their search for a Youth Pastor. Please direct all applications through MinistryHub and any questions to .

Title: Youth Pastor

Department: Next Gen Ministries

Reports to: Executive Pastor

The Youth Pastor wins when he/she establishes environments and facilitates relationships where students are led to take specific next-steps towards following Jesus.

Major Components:

  • Consistently casts clear VISION for the Junior High and High School Ministries and works to execute it.

  • Oversees all areas of TEACHING (weekend & mid-week), PROGRAMMING (events/trips), and ADMINISTRATION (database, assimilation process, follow-up, communication with parents, etc.).

  • Recruits, equips, and releases a team of ADULT VOLUNTEERS to shepherd students.

  • Spends a significant amount of time personally INVESTING IN STUDENTS RELATIONALLY, especially STUDENT LEADERS.

  • Champions an INTEGRATED YOUTH MINISTRY and creates accessible opportunities for students to develop relationships with, serve alongside, and incarnate Jesus with TerraNovans in other life stages.

Lives Out:

  • Qualifications for church leadership (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5)

  • Aligns with TerraNova Church Values, Beliefs and Staff Culture

The Leader We Need Is:

  • Relational, gatherer, loves being with teens (and they love being with you)

  • Team-builder, developer, leader of leaders

  • Motivated, self-starter, resilient

  • Team-player, humble, learner

  • Strong sense of calling to youth ministry

What you should know about us:

  • We're determined to do whatever we can to engage our local community and help people find and fully follow Jesus within the context of the local church.

  • We are uniquely positioned and equipped to engage those who are un-churched, de-churched, and otherwise "far from God."

  • As a staff, we live out the values of team, excellence, clarity of focus, learning, and grace.

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