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Gynecology Physician

Summary Sheet: Healthcare & Medical

Advertiser NameTinkBird Healthcare Staffing / Locum Tenens & PermAdvertiser Type:Company
Classification:Healthcare & MedicalSubclassification:
Country:United StatesLocation:United States
Language:English - United Kingdom (en-GB) Contact Name:
Employment Type:PermanentWorkhours:Not Specified

Position: Gynecology Physician

Description: TinkBird is actively seeking MD/DO OBGYN Locum to start ASAP for 60 days at a Medical Center in Vancouver, WA:

Shift Schedule Details & Shift Duration: Clinic is 3-4x a week depending on if there is a 24hr call day. If there is no call there will be 4 clinic days a week; if there is 1 call day there are 3 clinic days.
? Call Schedule/Responsibilities: 2-4 call shifts within the month, plus or minus depending on vacations, etc. It is non restricted call, so they don t have to stay in-house if there s nothing going on. It is a pretty busy service though.
? Type of Patients/Cases/Procedures: Adult Women
Colposcopies approx. 2 week
Leap approx. 1 every 2 weeks
Vulval biopsy approx. 1 x month
Nexplanon/IUD/Insertion and removal approx. 3 daily
In office DNC Rarely
? Patients per Day/Volume: varies; 15
? Support Staff: Other OB GYN, hospital support
? NICU Level: have asked
? Active License required

? What is the minimum length of commitment requirement? Full 60 days of assignment
? Board Certified Required: Yes
? IMLC State: Yes
? Active State License Required? WA lic required
? CSR/DEA Requirements (State or Client): WA DEA
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